Why does it cost so much to build an app, and who pays?
We don't make money from selling your personal health data—we choose the alternative. You can help support us by subscribing...
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We use cookies and similar technologies to operate our website and improve our services. If you agree, Clue may place cookies (small text files) and pixels on your device, and collect your usage data under a unique identifier for the purposes of improving our website, tracking, analysis, and personalization (such as showing you relevant Clue content and understanding what drives subscriptions). We use third-party services to help us with this.
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Mitgründerin von Clue, Ida Tin ist eine dänische Internetunternehmerin und Autorin. Ida wird zugeschrieben, den Begriff „Femtech“ geprägt zu haben.
We don't make money from selling your personal health data—we choose the alternative. You can help support us by subscribing...
Getting an app like Clue up and running is no small feat. Clue's CEO Ida Tin explains what's going on...
Wir haben die Daten, die du mit Clue trackst, nie verkauft und werden es auch nie tun.
I am proud to announce that Carrie Walter, formerly Clue’s General Counsel, and Audrey Tsang, formerly Clue’s Chief Product Officer,...
Clue co-founder Ida Tin shares her top 5 reasons to track your period.
Wer den eigenen Zyklus verfolgt, hilft nicht nur sich selbst, sondern beteiligt sich an wissenschaftlicher Forschung, die auch anderen helfen...
In 2009, I sat with an old phone in my hand — the kind with a small screen and actual buttons