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Amelie Eckersley

A photo of Amelie Eckersley
Managing Editor

Amelie Eckersley (She/Her) is a writer, editor and researcher on the intersections of reproductive health, gender and climate change. She is based in Berlin and is Clue's Former Managing Editor.

A person lying on a bed with blood on their thong

Can you have sex on your period? A guide to the benefits, risks, and tips

There is nothing “dirty” or dangerous about menstrual blood. 

Menopause and Perimenopause

Perimenopause 101

How to know when perimenopause happening

An illustration of a woman swimming through a large pool with an IUD, condom, and the withdrawal method.
Non-Hormonal Birth Control

Here are all of your non-hormonal birth control options

There are a range of non-hormonal options that vary in cost, effectiveness, and duration.


Signs your period is coming for the first time and how to prepare

Your body may give you a few clues as to when your period is going to start.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Hormone replacement therapy and perimenopause

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy still controversial? Clue’s Science Team weighs in.

This is an illustration of a person's head, the top of their head is open and white clouds are floating out. The head is dark orange on a bright orange background.

Everything you need to know about depression, anxiety, and PCOS

People with PCOS are about 3 times more likely to experience depression and anxiety

Menopause and Perimenopause

Menopause is hereditary: here's the latest research

Symptoms of perimenopause, like hot flashes and night sweats, appear to have a genetic link

Menopause and Perimenopause

Tips to manage perimenopause

Managing perimenopause depends on the experiences you have

Menstrual Cycle

The brain, emotion, and the menstrual cycle: What science tells us

We spoke to Anne Marieke Doornweerd, a PhD candidate at Utrecht University, to learn more about emotions and the brain.

photo of a stressed women holding her head
Mind, mood & emotions

Can stress affect your period?

Everyone experiences stress, and for many it’s not an enjoyable experience.


How to relieve PMS symptoms

The best way to work around PMS is to figure out your unique patterns.

Banner image for 'How to track your feelings in Clue'
Mind, mood & emotions

How to track your feelings in Clue

Track your feelings with Clue to see how your mood changes across the cycle

Banner image for 'How to track your feelings in Clue'
Mind, mood & emotions

How to track your feelings in Clue

Track your feelings with Clue to see how your mood changes across the cycle

One photo of hair next to another photo showing a close-up of a person's face with small wrinkles.
Skin & Hair

Hair and skin changes: perimenopause and menopause

The amount of changes that come with perimenopause and menopause can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to hair loss...

An image of a pregnant person with their hands on their belly

What it's like to be pregnant as a transmasculine person

Masculine people have been pregnant and birthing as long as there have been people. In reality, my relationship with my...

An image of a pregnant person with their hands on their belly

What it's like to be pregnant as a transmasculine person

Masculine people have been pregnant and birthing as long as there have been people. In reality, my relationship with my...

Ida Tin, CEO of Clue, using a computer
About Clue

The journey of a single data point, Part II: Your data is not the product at Clue

We never have and we never will sell the data you track with Clue.

Clue's co-founder and chairwoman, Ida Tin, at her desk with a mobile phone and computer.
About Clue

The journey of a single data point

It's our job to keep everything you track in Clue safe.

One hand holding a pad and one hand holding a tampon on dark purple background

How did menstruation become taboo?

Have periods always needed code words? Where did these words come from, and how did they come about?

Illustrations of a pregnancy test and Clue app with a "period late" notification

Am I having a miscarriage?

When a miscarriage occurs very early in pregnancy, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a miscarriage and...


Safer sex 101

Our tips on how to prevent STIs

About Clue

Learn more about your body with Clue Plus

When you subscribe to Clue Plus, you don't only get new features: you also fund important research, support data privacy,...

Skin & Hair

Watching my mother lose her hair during menopause made both of us stronger

The effects of menopause are different for each woman and are primarily caused by drops in estrogen, when the menstrual...

Trying to Conceive

I want to have a baby but my partner doesn't

“I can see myself parenting with you, and that’s not a feeling I’ve had before,” my boyfriend Adam said to...


Living with HIV

There are about 37 million people living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) around the world. More than half of...

Skin & Hair

Hair and skin changes: your 20s and 30s

Understanding what is normal and what might indicate a hormonal disorder may also put you at ease no matter what...

Dating & Partnership

No glove, no love: condom negotiation and common excuses

Condoms are very effective at preventing pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are a great birth...

ilustration of three uteriblue and red

What causes a miscarriage?

Understanding why and how frequently miscarriage occurs can help people process the experience.  

Three video call windows with three different women working in the femtech and fertility fields
About Clue

Bringing awareness to infertility: how tracking your period can help

In recognition of #NIAW2021, and the people with periods and their partners who experience infertility, we hosted a webinar with...

illustrated group of sperms crossing
Non-Hormonal Birth Control

What's up with pulling out?

The pull out method has some significant downsides. So, what is withdrawal and how effective is it? Let’s look at...

Science textbook book with items floating out of it, dna, microscope, gears, magnifying glass
About Clue

“Alternative” approaches to health: How we think about health information at Clue

We sometimes get emails asking why we collaborate with naturopaths for our online content. It's a fair question.

An illustration of a smart phone with the pride flag and the clue logo on it.

How is the LGBTQIA+ community using Clue?

At Clue, we aim to be inclusive, loud, and proud all year-round, not just because we feel we should, but...