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Anna Druet, BA

A photo of Anna Druet, BA
Science writer

Anna Druet is a researcher and formerly Clue’s Science and Education lead.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Perimenopause 101

How to know when perimenopause happening

Menopause and Perimenopause

Tips to manage perimenopause

Managing perimenopause depends on the experiences you have

One hand holding a pad and one hand holding a tampon on dark purple background

How did menstruation become taboo?

Have periods always needed code words? Where did these words come from, and how did they come about?

a drop above an opened book
illustrated birth control pills in red

Do you get your period on the pill? Pills, periods, and withdrawal bleeding

Your “period” on the pill is actually called withdrawal bleeding.

Illustration of Clue's cycle graphic
Menstrual Cycle

What is an “irregular” menstrual cycle?

Your menstrual cycle is an indicator of your body’s overall functioning.

clue circle with various icon symbols from the app
Casually dressed woman sitting in chair with hands together

What to expect during an abortion

If you have access to a legal abortion, here is what to expect.

Photo of a runny panty
Your Vagina

What is vaginal discharge and how does it change across the cycle?

The quality, consistency, and volume of cervical fluid types changes along with the menstrual cycle.

illustration of teeth biting on the lip

Sex, sensation, and the menstrual cycle

The way sex feels can change throughout your cycle. Something that felt great on day 14 may be less comfortable...

White underwear with blood stain
the numbers 2016 with green health icons on top
uterus illustration

What is a period? Menstruation 101

Why do we get periods, anyway?

ilustration of three uteriblue and red

What causes a miscarriage?

Understanding why and how frequently miscarriage occurs can help people process the experience.  

illustration of zika fly
illustration of a heart
four illustrations of torsos

Puberty 101: The Clue guide to getting your period (Part 1)

How to know when your period is going to start

world map overlapped by chemical strains
Photo of Jennifer Weiss Wolf, sitting on an armchair
Gender Equality

Menstrual equity is the ground we all need to stand on

We spoke to Jennifer Weiss-Wolf, the author of “Periods Gone Public,” about what menstrual equity means.

pile of several iron pins of menstrual cups