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Audrey Tsang

A photo of Audrey Tsang
CEO of Clue

Audrey Tsang is Clue's CEO.

Photography by Franz Grünewald

About Clue

Post-Roe Reality: Clue’s commitment to your privacy

Everyone deserves reproductive healthcare and autonomy–without shame, judgment, or political interference.

Audrey with laptop
About Clue

How Clue makes money

Apps cost money to build and run, and if you’re not paying, someone is. So how does it work?

About Clue

IWD 2024: For true health equity, we need to be seen

Inequity persists because so much of the female health experience is invisible. Data can change that.

C A high quality
About Clue

Patient Data Privacy at Clue: A statement from the Co-CEOs

We do not sell your health data, we protect it and we will not disclose it

Menopause and Perimenopause

It’s bloody time we got a clue about perimenopause

The changes were both gradual and seemingly sudden: What was happening to me?

About Clue

Data is power, and responsibility: what we believe as Clue’s Co-CEOs

The recent overturning of Roe vs Wade has not only changed the landscape of reproductive rights in the US, it...

A photograph of Co-CEOs, Audrey and Carrie.
About Clue

One year post-Roe: This is what we want Clue users to know

No matter where you are in the world, we will never allow your private health data to be used against...