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Janelle McSwiggan, MSN, RN

A photo of Janelle McSwiggan, MSN, RN
Science writer

Janelle is a freelance medical writer and a registered nurse.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Menopause is hereditary: here's the latest research

Symptoms of perimenopause, like hot flashes and night sweats, appear to have a genetic link

Spotting vs light period

What is spotting? Common causes and how to track it

How, when, and why does spotting happen? Is it different than light bleeding before and after your period?

Person with underwear that has a blood stain on them

What is free bleeding? Why the movement matters

Free bleeding is the practice of menstruating without blocking or collecting the period flow. Here’s why people do it.

Cramps & Pain

Hormonal Headaches and Menstrual migraine: What type do you have?

There might be a connection between your menstrual cycle and your headaches.

Cramps & Pain

Ovulation pain: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Ovulation pain is lower abdominal pain that happens in the middle of your menstrual cycle when you ovulate.

Hand holding a menstrual cup that's pouring blood into a measuring cup

How much period blood is normal?

You can expect around five tablespoons of blood during menstruation, but every person differs. What is normal for you may...

Icons depicting a pregnancy test, baby clothes, a uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, a tampon, lightning bolts and stars.

Common endometriosis myths and misconceptions that need to be debunked

Endometriosis is a complicated illness. Those who have it often also experience delayed diagnoses, hit-and-miss treatments, and a general lack...


How common is endometriosis?

Endometriosis has been called the “missed disease” because of its inconsistency in diagnosis and treatment