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Kate Wahl, PhD

A photo of Kate Wahl, PhD
Science Writer

Kate was a science writer for Clue and a Sexual and Reproductive Health Researcher. She is interested in creative solutions for getting this evidence to the public faster so that up-to-date knowledge can be used in decisions about health.

An illustration of an IUD.
Birth Control

IUD myths and misconceptions

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted? Can an IUD get lost inside of me? Your questions about...

Two bottles of soy milk
Diet & Exercise

Does eating soy affect your hormones?

What the research says about the effects of eating soy on cardiovascular health, breast cancer, sperm quality, testosterone, and more....

The ring, the pill, the IUD, the implant, the patch, and the shot
Hormonal Birth Control

Here are all of your hormonal birth control options

We looked into the research to find out about the side effects, risks, and benefits of the implant, the intrauterine...

An animation of an IUD-umbrella blocking rainfall.
Birth Control

How do IUDs prevent pregnancy?

What the latest research says about how the hormonal IUD and the copper IUD work.