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Rachel Mason, MD

A photo of Rachel Mason, MD
Science writer

Rachel is a freelance medical writer based in Latin America. She is a doctor with a special interest in sexual and reproductive health. She has a BSc in international health and is passionate about humanitarian medicine in particular, making sexual, reproductive and gynaecological care accessible to all.

A person lying on a bed with blood on their thong

Can you have sex on your period? A guide to the benefits, risks, and tips

There is nothing “dirty” or dangerous about menstrual blood. 


Uterine fibroids: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Fibroids are abnormal growths of muscle tissue that form in or on the walls of the uterus.

Banner image for 'How to track your feelings in Clue'
Mind, mood & emotions

How to track your feelings in Clue

Track your feelings with Clue to see how your mood changes across the cycle

Illustration depicting three sporting activities. From left to right: Weight lifting, running track, tennis.
Diet & Exercise

Unpacking the role of your menstrual cycle in fitness and strength training

Serena Williams has openly shared her struggles with debilitating menstrual migraines. Similarly, runner Dina Asher-Smith could not complete a race...

Collage-style design, of people diving and swimming
Diet & Exercise

Can you swim on your period? Swimmers weigh in

It’s common to worry about whether you can swim on your period, Clue has all your questions answered.