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Illustration by Marta Pucci

Temps de lecture : 9 min

Why we’re proud to work at Clue

How we try to make our company and the world a more inCLUEsive place to coexist

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“Diversity, equity and inclusion are values that live at the heart of our mission at Clue. The reason is simple: people who menstruate make up a generous half of this world’s population, which is as beautifully diverse as the rest of humanity. Recognizing this is core to what we as a company want to create, and acts as the North Star to everything we do.” - Carrie Walter, Co-CEO at Clue 

At Clue, we’re committed to providing a friendly and supportive environment for everyone who works here, regardless of gender, gender expression, age, race, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body shape, spirituality or religion. We always aim to promote a collaborative, supportive, and productive work culture to make everyone in the Clue team feel empowered to do and be their best. 

We believe that having a diverse team is fundamental to operating Clue and the work we do as a team every day–because we know that diverse teams work smarter! But more specifically, having a team that reflects the rainbow of life means that we pay closer attention to the urgent health needs of our LGBTQIA+ users who are still too often systematically under-funded and under-supported. 

Shining a light on these health disparities is something we’re proud to do, not just in June, but all year long.  We do so not only because it’s important to name the challenging effects of the inequities faced by the LGBTQIA+ community, but because for many of our team, it’s personal. 

For this Pride month, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on why some of our employees are proud to work on making the Clue app, our company, and the world a more inCLUEsive place to coexist. 

Here’s what we had to say: 

Ryan Duncan (He/Him - PR & Strategic Communications Manager at Clue): “I sometimes get asked rather cynically, what it’s like to work at Clue as a cis-gay man. My answer is that I could not be more proud of the work we do bringing greater awareness to gender equality and reproductive health justice. Women’s* rights are human rights and uplifting marginalized voices and shining a light on their health needs is so important to me and the work we do at Clue everyday.”

Quote from Clue employee Ryan on a purple background saying, "Uplifting marginalized voices and shining a light on their health needs is so important to me and the work we do at Clue everyday."

Aubrey Bryan (They/them - Content Editor at Clue): “It’s a huge privilege to work in a company where I can express myself authentically and trust that I’ll be welcomed and appreciated.

Working here, I forget that that’s not a luxury every queer person is afforded.

On top of that, it’s incredible that I can be part of the team working to produce informative, inclusive articles to make menstrual health more accessible to people of all genders.”

Rachel Gimbert (She/Her - Executive Assistant to the Co-CEO’s): “I love that for the first time in my career I work for a company that genuinely cares about diversity, inclusivity and advocacy internally as much as externally within our product, all year round.

The fact that we live this culture internally brings real conviction to our app and the content we provide.”

Lynae M. Brayboy (she/her/Ms./Dr. not Mrs- Chief Medical Officer): “As an infertility specialist I have witnessed firsthand the hoops that LGBTQIA+ individuals have to jump through to understand their reproductive options and have their family building be covered by insurance. I love that I work at a company that supports the reproductive journeys of everyone with cycles no matter how they identify themselves. Working at Clue has taught me to avoid the gender-biased language that we often use in medicine without thinking. Happy Pride Month!“

A quote from Clue employee Lynae that reads: "I love that I work at a company that supports the reproductive journey of everyone with cycles no matter how they identify themselves."

Trudie Carter (she/her - Social Media Manager at Clue): “Clue has been standing up for the healthcare rights of gender nonconforming people for years – long before it was popular to do so on Twitter. I deeply respect this genuine commitment to inclusive language and to the LGBTQIA+ community.

As social media manager, it’s my task to empower all people with periods and challenge cisnormative views by amplifying this positive message online.

In an era where online discourse is becoming more polarized, it’s important that we make our voices heard.”

Amelie Eckersley (she/her - Health Editor at Clue): “I use my position as an Editor and my experience as a queer woman to build an inclusive, affirming space for every person who menstruates. The words we use create the world around us, and for me, that means using language that invites people to learn about their bodies free of shame or stigma. The content that we create is purposeful; we want to generate positive discussion whilst acknowledging that barriers still exist, and work to break them down.”

A quote from Clue employee Amelie: "The words we use create the world around us, and for me, that means using language that invites people to learn about their bodies free of shame or stigma."

Stevica Bozhinoski (He/Him - iOS Engineer): “As an iOS engineer my task is to build new features and fix bugs in the Clue app.

I am very proud to be part of the team that impacts the lives of many people daily and inspires them to lead healthy lives.

Even though Clue’s origins started as a menstrual tracking app, in a wider sense, it is leading the way as a bastion for diversity and inclusivity in every sense of the word.”


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Jade Gola (He/Him - Localization Manager at Clue): “Over 12 million people in more than 180 countries use Clue, and growing! We currently are available in 15 languages, and are planning to add more soon too. This makes me proud as it’s fascinating to see how the aspects of diversity and inclusivity within our services and content can reach and impact the most diverse corners of the world, and help uplift the idea of support and care for ‘people with cycles’ for those who really need to be embraced by it. Everyone should live in tune with their bodies!

This is a quote from Clue employee Jade: "It's fascinating to see how the aspects of diversity and inclusivity within our services and content can reach and impact the most diverse corners of the world."

Marta Pucci (She/Her - Art Director): “Building a strong, recognisable, approachable, science-based brand has been my mission at Clue.

Taking our original branding from “It’s not pink” and evolving it beyond the gender stereotypes.

My aim is to understand how our users feel, and how WE at Clue, and as human beings feel, and expressing that in an ever-clearer way, while also encompassing the values Clue stands for and being conscious of inclusivity in all assets, imagery, and products. I feel very privileged to be part of this on-going conversation and hope to continue to evolve our brand further!”

Melissa Yung (She/Her, Engineer at Clue) - "Clue is special and unique as a tech company, with a mission I can truly stand behind and a culture that values the individual as a person as well as an employee. There are challenges in the space we are working in and I am grateful for all the love, fun and care that we share as we grow more resilient for ourselves, our users and our vision."

This is a quote from Clue employee Melissa that reads: "There are challenges in the space we are working in and I am grateful for all the love, fun and care that we share as we grow more resilient for ourselves, our users and our vision."

Thiago Santos (Support Agent at Clue) - “I see my position at Clue as yet another means to advocate for my community and to bring corporate activism to the table by acknowledging how diverse our user base is, channeling their voices and pushing for ways to ensure that all our users feel seen and heard. I’m very lucky to be working for a company that talks the talk and walks the walk; Clue has been striving for visibility for years and is constantly reassessing how to make everyone feel welcome behind doors. Feeling reassured that I’m part of a team that sees strengths in our differences is what motivates me to show up to work everyday.”

Quote from Clue employee Thiago on a yellow background, the quote reads "Feeling reassured that I'm part of a team that sees strengths in our differences is what motivates me to show up to work everyday"

Lena Sarp (UX Researcher at Clue): “It makes me very happy to work in a company where people are conscious of the diversity of sexualities, genders, the intersectionalities and are also open to discussing such issues in relation to their health and the users’ needs. Knowing that my colleagues weave this mindset (and their expertise) into Clue’s products and the company feels empowering.

I don’t feel alone when I raise this topic in a discussion which I haven’t experienced before in my professional life.

This openness seems so important as the learning never ends and every project needs consideration on how it might reproduce oppression.”

Anna Yudina (She/They — Backend Engineer at Clue): "Tech industry is suffocating without diversity, and in Clue Engineering I get a taste of how the change can look like. As a queer person I have never been so accepted and understood at work. I'm very proud to build software that helps people of all genders to learn about their bodies, and doesn't exclude anyone from the conversation."

A quote from Clue employee Anna. The quote says 'Tech industry is suffocating without diversity, and in Clue Engineering I get a taste of how the change can look like.'

Noah Gefen (He/Him - ASO Growth Manager at Clue): “I like how socially conscious we are as a team and it’s inspiring to see so many colleagues working tirelessly to build a progressive app that aims to accommodate everyone. One of my favorite things to do is scan user reviews in our app stores to grasp the impact of our work. I can’t tell you how many people leave reviews thanking us for building an inclusive, gender neutral app experience that makes them feel comfortable and empowered. It’s also nice to be reminded that our work does not go unnoticed!“

Marta Vuković (She/her - Freelance Copywriter at Clue): “Not all people with periods are women. That is a fact. Nevertheless, most companies making period products fail to address this reality that is experienced by many. That’s why I love working at Clue.

My job as a copywriter is to make sure that we use inclusive language that speaks to people of all genders.

I feel proud to work for a company which recognizes and respects that bodies and identities are unique and diverse.”

Marcia Arff (She/Her - Head of Design): “Pride month underlines the work that we can be proud of all year long: the mission to bring science backed knowledge and tools to everyone with a period or cycle around the world. I consider it a great opportunity as well as responsibility to contribute to shaping a product that is as inclusive as possible, has a positive impact, and helps inform a diverse user base. It feels good that Clue collectively and consistently tries to improve the ways we build products and communicate.”

A short quote from Clue employee Marcia: "Pride month underlines the work that we can be proud of all year long."

Pia Simonsen (She/Her - Product Lead): “I am very proud to work at Clue. Every day I get to work with many talented individuals who have been attracted by this value driven company. They all bring different views and ensure we keep solving real problems with compassionate and inclusive solutions. It is really an open place to ask, listen and learn, and I believe this translates into our product(s).”  

Interested in joining our team to work toward making the world a more equitable place? Take a look at our open positions

Download Clue today, for an inclusive, safe, affirming app, for everyone who menstruates, and if you want to learn more about what we care about, take a look at our Encyclopedia with tons of content on menstruation, sexual health, and LGBTQIA+ topics.

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