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Clue teams up with Headspace to help you feel more in control

Eligible Clue Plus members will now be able to get 50% off a monthly Headspace subscription.

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Clue is excited to announce a new collaboration with Headspace, a leading mental health platform, to empower women and people with cycles to take control of their mental health as they navigate various stages of their cycles. 

Eligible Clue Plus members will now have access to 50% off a monthly Headspace subscription that will give them tailored guidance, support, and validation to help manage cycle-related stress and improve overall well-being.

Anxiety and depression are the top two most-common health conditions reported by Clue members, accounting for over 36% of all confirmed health conditions recorded by members in the app. Recent data from a survey of over 12,000 Clue members highlights the pressing need for integrated mental health support in their cycle health management:

  • 62% of those with cycle-related concerns reported that managing daily life while experiencing menstrual symptoms was one of their biggest challenges.

  • 75% of those with concerns were worried about emotional symptoms such as sadness, anxiety, or mood swings. 

  • 54% said that managing the stress and emotional burden of their symptoms was one of their biggest challenges

  • When asked which cycle symptom they were most concerned about, emotional symptoms were the second most frequently selected after pain

As a global leader in mental health and mindfulness, Headspace is proven to reduce stress by 21% after 4.5 months of regular use. Additionally, just 10 minutes of mindfulness with Headspace for 8 weeks improved perceived user stress by 27%. Clue Plus members will be able to utilize these resources to help manage their daily life and better understand points of their cycle where their mental health is under the most stress. 

"We consistently hear from our Clue community how symptom-tracking throughout their cycles helps them identify and validate cycle-related patterns – both physical and mental. After recently launching our new Feelings Analysis feature that helps members identify recurrent changes, our partnership with Headspace is a further step in providing evidence-based tools and guidance to help better manage their mental health." said Rhiannon White, Chief Product Officer at Clue. 

"By combining Clue's leading cycle tracking insights and predictions, with Headspace's expert mental health resources, we can help members navigate changes throughout their cycle, and manage stress and feelings of everyday anxiety associated with big life changes like trying to conceive, pregnancy, and perimenopause."

Together, Clue and Headspace aim to shed light on the important but under-researched connection between menstrual and mental health. The Clue and Headspace collaboration will offer support for users at various cycle stages like: 

  • Cycle Tracking: By utilizing Clue’s new Feelings Statistics and Analysis features in-app,members can identify and anticipate cycle-related changes in mood and state of mind. These insights can then be used to inform how they utilize Headspace as a complementary tool to help manage these changes.

  • Fertility: Those on their fertility journey can gain access to supportive mindfulness and meditation content to guide them through each stage and manage stress.

  • Pregnancy: Expectant parents can manage stress and anxious thoughts as they navigate the changes of pregnancy.

  • Perimenopause/Menopause: Users can embrace and process change with curated meditation and mindfulness exercises.

"The connection between menstrual health and mental health isn't talked about nearly enough. Headspace is on a journey to provide our members with mental health support for all of life's moments, both big and small," said Emma Nemtin, Head of Consumer Partnerships and Distribution at Headspace. "We're thrilled to team up with Clue to empower women and others with cycles to take ownership over their mental wellbeing in addition to their physical health." 

For more information about the Clue and Headspace partnership, visit For press enquiries, reach out to

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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