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Picture of Lynae Brayboy

Photography by Marta Pucci

Reading time: 3 min

Introducing Clue’s first-ever Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Lynae Brayboy

Clue, from its inception, has always had the aim to contribute to research in reproductive and menstrual health. By spreading this knowledge, our goal is to empower women and people with cycles to work in tune with their biology, not in spite of it. We’re so excited to introduce a new member of our team who will support Clue as we work toward this mission. 

Now we have our first-ever Chief Medical Officer–Lynae Brayboy, M.D. 

With a demonstrated history of working in the hospital and healthcare industry, Dr. Brayboy will provide a clinical perspective on how Clue can develop to address the unmet requirements of women and people with cycles, and to deliver critical research that will assist healthcare providers. In her new role, she’ll help Clue evolve into the go-to source for women at every reproductive stage: from puberty to menopause. 

Let’s talk about why she’s so perfect for this role. 

First, her passions and expertise include life sciences, data analysis, pediatrics, oocyte mitochondria, and healthcare information technology (HIT). Not only that, her clinical research has focused specifically on Femtech (a term for technology designed for women’s health, and coined by Clue’s own co-founder and chairwoman Ida Tin), and providing sexual health education for girls and young women, particularly those of color. Dr. Brayboy is also interested in improving health disparities for women of color at every stage of their reproductive health. 

Clue has long recognized that the healthcare people in marginalized communities receive is lacking, which is reflective of the disparities they face in other aspects of their lives. As reproductive and menstrual health is already an under-researched field, it’s critical that our evolution moving forward involves research for people of color and members of the LGBTQIA+ community who menstruate. 

In addition to her inspiring work, her qualifications speak for themselves. Dr. Brayboy is a specialist in reproductive endocrinology, infertility, obstetrics, and gynecology.  She graduated with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the Lewis Katz Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia in 2007. Between 2007 and 2011, she worked as a Resident at the Abington Hospital Jefferson Health in Pennsylvania. 

“Joining Clue as Chief Medical Officer is truly exciting, and I hope that with this transition from academia I can increase access to health literacy on reproductive health, and to support women’s research,” she shared. 

“The possibilities are endless for users understanding their own personal insights and for academic researchers to use anonymized data to better inform treatment options for patients. We have a tremendous opportunity to help people with periods feel empowered to initiate more conversations with their healthcare providers about the best reproductive options for their lives.” 

“Audre Lorde’s essay ‘The Cancer Journals’ states that ‘every woman has a militant responsibility to involve herself actively in her own health’, and I strongly believe that Clue is in a unique position to help women to do this. I can’t wait to get going in this new role, and to make a real difference to the lives of women and people with cycles.”

Clue already has a dedicated science team to forward trailblazing research and write accessible and fact-checked pieces about your health. Adding a Chief Medical Officer will push us to go further as we develop products and content that supports our users through their health journey for all stages of life.


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Three video call windows with three different women working in the femtech and fertility fields

About Clue

Bringing awareness to infertility: how tracking your period can help

In recognition of #NIAW2021, and the people with periods and their partners who experience infertility, we hosted a webinar with leaders from two incredible businesses working to change the industry and make infertility care more accessible.

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