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Marcella Israel, MD, OB/GYN

A photo of Marcella Israel, MD, OB/GYN
Science writer

Marcella is a Brazilian OB/GYN, humanitarian and mom.

A person lying on a bed with blood on their thong

Can you have sex on your period? A guide to the benefits, risks, and tips

There is nothing “dirty” or dangerous about menstrual blood. 


Signs your period is coming for the first time and how to prepare

Your body may give you a few clues as to when your period is going to start.

This is an illustration of a person's head, the top of their head is open and white clouds are floating out. The head is dark orange on a bright orange background.

Everything you need to know about depression, anxiety, and PCOS

People with PCOS are about 3 times more likely to experience depression and anxiety

Menstrual Cycle

The brain, emotion, and the menstrual cycle: What science tells us

We spoke to Anne Marieke Doornweerd, a PhD candidate at Utrecht University, to learn more about emotions and the brain.


Uterine fibroids: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Fibroids are abnormal growths of muscle tissue that form in or on the walls of the uterus.


How to relieve PMS symptoms

The best way to work around PMS is to figure out your unique patterns.

Photo of a middle-aged woman
Trying to Conceive

How old is too old to have a baby?

If you are 35 or older, it’s likely that what you’ve read on the internet or heard from friends might...

Illustration depicting three sporting activities. From left to right: Weight lifting, running track, tennis.
Diet & Exercise

Unpacking the role of your menstrual cycle in fitness and strength training

Serena Williams has openly shared her struggles with debilitating menstrual migraines. Similarly, runner Dina Asher-Smith could not complete a race...

Image of a pelvic region
Your Vagina

Vaginal dryness: Why it happens and what you can do about it

Vaginal dryness is common but treatable, and can happen at any age.

Collage-style design, of people diving and swimming
Diet & Exercise

Can you swim on your period? Swimmers weigh in

It’s common to worry about whether you can swim on your period, Clue has all your questions answered.

Hand holding a menstrual cup that's pouring blood into a measuring cup

How much period blood is normal?

You can expect around five tablespoons of blood during menstruation, but every person differs. What is normal for you may...


Period bloating 101

Period bloating is a common symptom of PMS


Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about endometriosis

A guide to endometriosis, its symptoms, and treatments

Image of a women and birth control options
Birth Control

Which birth control is right for me?

Choosing the type of birth control that’s right for you can be overwhelming. Don’t worry—we’re here to help.

Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

Sex, fertility, and contraception after birth

If you’re not sure how long to wait to have sex after birth, when to start birth control, or what...

Skin & Hair

Hair and skin changes: your 20s and 30s

Understanding what is normal and what might indicate a hormonal disorder may also put you at ease no matter what...