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Photo of someone holding hands over abdomen area.

Photo by Clár McWeeney

Tiempo de lectura: 2 min

How Clue can help you make peace with PMS for good

We see PMS as an opportunity to eat lots of chocolate and take plenty of naps.

Insatiable cravings for all the sweets always happen right before my period: donuts, chocolate, cake–my appetite knows no limits. Next comes the extreme breast pain, sore and heavy and very intense (is this what breastfeeding feels like?). On the plus side, my boobs do get a lot fuller...and I’m not mad about it.

During some periods, I get extremely happy, social, and productive at work. But other times, I feel very withdrawn and uncontrollably tear up in public.

On most days of the month, I’m the one in the driver’s seat. But during PMS, I feel like a passenger of my own emotional roller coaster. Buckle up!

Once I started tracking PMS and premenstrual-related symptoms in Clue, there were fewer surprises during my cycle. The more I tracked, the more accurate the app became at predicting my cravings, moods, digestion, and even my levels of motivation at work.

Knowing when I can expect PMS and what symptoms I might experience has given me a greater awareness of my own body, so I’m always one step ahead of my period.

Track your period, PMS, cravings, and more with Clue

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  • Descargar la aplicación de Clue en la Play Store
imagen predeterminada

*Cue the premenstrual prep kit of chocolate, emo music, and a fully-stocked cabinet of self-care items. (Whoever said PMS was a bad thing definitely wasn’t doing it right.)*

That said, there’s a lot of information and cliches about what symptoms you might experience when it comes to PMS, and it’s different for every body. What I experience is different from what you might experience. Why compare your symptoms to what Google, or even society, tells you?

Using Clue to track your premenstrual symptoms can help define whether you have PMS and what it means for you. Tracking will also help you recognize whether other factors, like lack of sleep or stress, affect your symptoms.

PMS isn’t something I dread anymore—especially since I know what to expect and when to expect it. Thanks to Clue, PMS and I are on pretty good terms.

Make peace with PMS once and for all. Download Clue and start tracking your symptoms.

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una ilustración de la flor de Clue

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