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A woman holds up a pair of Flux black bikini-style period underpants, with lace trim on the waistband.

Photo by Marta Pucci

Tiempo de lectura: 5 min

Clue Reviews: FLUX Period Underwear

FLUX Period Underwear

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Menstrual products are a world apart from what was available even only twenty years ago. But it can be difficult to determine which product is right for youa decision that may be influenced by lifestyle, physical activity, comfort, fit, cost, and many other factors.

That’s why we’re publishing a series of menstrual product reviews, written by the staff here at Clue (and a few of our loved ones) to show you how we used these products, and how they worked for us. Check out the reviews here.

Full disclosuremany of these products were sent to us free of charge, for the purpose of reviews. These are the unbiased opinions of the folks who used the products.

FLUX Period Panties

Price Varies

Made in China and the United Kingdom

I have to say that they were a lifesaver.”

My flow is: A massive, horrific, bloody nightmare

I’m looking for: An environmentally sustainable way of managing my period

I wasn’t planning on reviewing another pair of period underwear, because I’m tired and life is awful (and as you can tell, I am *definitely* not on my period right now). But I had a surprise second period within the same month, because I have endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts (straight-up BLESSED). So I snatched up the FLUX boyshort panties last minute, and I have to say that they were a lifesaver. I was afraid that the heavy padding would feel like a diaper when I put them on, but once wearing them I didn’t notice it at all.

The first few days of my period are terrible, but the FLUX website says that this style of panty can carry up to four tampons worth of blood, and I’d say they performed according to that standard. I put them on halfway through the work day, then went to a high-intensity interval training workout, and they absorbed all the blood. There was some porous wetness when I touched the front of the panties, but no leakage.

I’m also a huge fan of the ethnic and body diversity they use all over their website! They don’t photoshop stretch marks off of their models, and it really is wonderful to see so many people of different body types and abilities reflected in advertising. Long overdue!

—Jennifer, Content Manager

"While they did manage to absorb my lighter flow, they were not as comfortable as I would have liked."

My flow is: short and light, lasting 3-5 days

I’m looking for: something stylish, absorbent, and comfortable

I tried the FLUX thong panties. At first glance, these looked really aesthetically pleasing—I liked the mesh detailing and was excited to try them on. Plus, I typically only wear thong-style underwear, so I had high hopes for these.

While they did manage to absorb my lighter flow, they were not as comfortable as I would have liked. Throughout the day, I kept having to retreat to the bathroom to adjust them. They gave me a major wedgie and I think that was because of the thicker padding.

Would I wear them again? As a last resort, yes. However, I would rather use a menstrual cup, or a more comfortable, less-padded pair of period underwear.

—Steph, Copywriter

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imagen predeterminada

“The tall waist helped hide the bloat I was feeling and served as a good point to attach my stick-on heating pad.”

My flow is: Let’s just say that my menstrual cup needs to gather a party before venturing forth.

I’m looking for: New products to add to my rotation and make me excited about getting my period.

I’m a fan of set-and-forget methods of dealing with periods. Cups are my go-to for my typically heavy flow, but as of late, menstrual underwear has been a favorite for my lighter days.

The FLUX undies I tried came into my life at the perfect moment—five minutes after I realized that, after a two day break, my period was back for an unexpected (and, frankly, quite unwelcome) encore.

The model I tried was the no-frills high-waisted one (without detachable side clasps or thong shapes like the other ones in FLUX’s offer). I was glad for that, as it was one of those days where I needed a level of support that only a palm-sized patch of leak-proof material could provide.

The panties were very comfortable, and the fabric was pleasantly soft to the touch. The high waist helped hide the bloat I was feeling and served as a good point to attach my stick-on heating pad, as it was tall enough to support it. With other models of period underwear, I’ve had to stick it onto the outside of my jeans—and having a pad-shaped item stuck to your stomach is something that can raise an eyebrow or two as you go about your day.

The only downside I spotted is that it seems I’m not aligned with the brand’s sizing model. The waistline was perfect, but the panties did dig into my groin a bit, especially when moving, which irritated my sensitive skin.

However, I do plan to continue wearing my FLUX underwear on days when I don’t plan to be too active—and would recommend them to other people with periods, too!

—Ada, Messaging

You can read all about this and the rest of Clue’s period product reviews here.

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